Sunday – June 23, 2013 “God Does Not Act Needlessly”

June 23, 2013 – Read the Word on Worship

God Does Not Act Needlessly from Sunrise Community Church on Vimeo.

Why does God require people come to Him through Jesus Christ and His work upon the cross? Join Elder Ken McAuley as he walks us through Galatians chapters 2 and 3 to see the mind of God for salvation of sinful mankind. While the cost of our sin was so great, praise God, He does not send His Son needlessly, but with a specific purpose and plan.

Word On Worship – June 23, 2013 Download / Print

For as many as are of the works of the Law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, to perform them.” Galatians 3:10

Ever give any thought to the fact that the Scriptures declare that anyone who puts his trust in the Law of God to gain the approval of God, is under a curse? Most people think that the Law of God is righteous and holy and it is! But to be under a curse if you put your trust and hope in it?!?!

The issue is that one has to obey every one of them or you are guilty of breaking the whole Law. For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all. James 2:10. We don’t like to look at it that way. We want to believe that it is a good code of conduct that everyone should live by. There is nothing wrong with that idea. Everyone should live by it, but when we think God will look on our behavior and say that our good works are deserving of Heaven, the idea is from someone’s imagination and not from what God has said in His Word, the Holy Scriptures.

You see, the Law requires death as the penalty of breaking even one of them. Some curse, eh? But God has a remedy. The Scriptures say that the Law is but a tutor to lead us to Christ. We must realize that we need help being righteous. Christ is the sacrifice of God for our sin to satisfy His requirement for the penalty of death for breaking His Law. That’s why Jesus had to die and rise again. That’s something that we can’t do for ourselves. That sounds pretty special to me!

So, all we have to do is put our trust in Christ. That may sound strange to some. How do we do that? What does it mean? We simply believe that Jesus did for us all that needs to be done to satisfy God. There is nothing that we can do to earn God’s approval or get Him to recognize that we are good enough. When we acknowledge that God’s sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is all we need and stop depending on how good we think we are, our dependence transfers from ourselves to Him. We call it faith. His grace then gives us the gift of Salvation from the bondage of this evil age and gives us hope for the future in Heaven with Him. We can then focus on Him instead of ourselves. It’s not about us. It’s all about Him.

Sunday – June 16, 2013 “His Name is YAHWEH”

June 16, 2013 – Read the Word on Worship

His Name is Yahweh from Sunrise Community Church on Vimeo.

Secular humanism is attempting to banish all thought of God from the minds of people. They have assumed modern science has relegated the God of the Bible to the tales of Hans Christian Anderson and so God, merely being the elderly gentleman in the sky, has no more power or authority to control the affairs of men than the Greek gods of antiquity. Who do we think God is? Is He merely the “old man” who started up time only to become bored and disinterested with His creation? Is He an attempt to explain unknown forces by an ignorant people? Or is He the One who spoke the universe into existence and controls all things for His plan and purpose?
Join us this Sunday as we seek to understand who is God as a special Father’s Day message entitled “His Name is Yahweh” from Isaiah 42.

Word On Worship – June 16, 2013 Download / Print

Isaiah 42:8
“I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor My praise to graven images.”

Secular humanism is attempting to banish all thought of God from the minds of people. They have assumed modern science has relegated the God of the Bible to the tales of Hans Christian Anderson and so God, merely being the elderly gentleman in the sky, has no more power or authority to control the affairs of men than the Greek gods of antiquity. Who do we think God is? Is He merely the “old man” who started up time only to become bored and disinterested with His creation? Is He an attempt to explain unknown forces by an ignorant people? Or is He the One who spoke the universe into existence and controls all things for His plan and purpose?

The Bible does not make an argument for the existence of God and it does not need to because it is the record of the way God has revealed Himself to mankind. It begins with the positive conclusion there is a God in Genesis 1:1,In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth“and those that come to Him must believe He exists (Hebrews 11:6). The Bible begins with the statement God is the Almighty Creator and implicitly refutes all other attempts by man that deviate from the truth about who God is. It refutes atheism which states there is no God. It refutes polytheism which states there are many gods. And it refutes humanism which worships man as the creator of his own world and destiny.

By the time of Moses, some 400 years after Abraham, the human race had begun to worship so many false gods and idols that God clearly distinguished Himself from all other gods of the pagan world. That is why God, through Moses, revealed His name as YAHWEH in Exodus 3:14-15God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” God, furthermore, said to Moses, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is My name forever, and this is My memorial-name to all generations.” God chose the people of Israel as His divine channel for revelation about Himself to maintain this truth. They were the people of Yahweh, literally people of the Name or Semites.

Through the people of His Name, Yahweh revealed He is the God of redemption as well as Almighty Creator and Master. He is the God of love and grace who offers us not only to know of Him, but that we may come to know Him personally. As the Self Revealing God, He demonstrated He is a God of redeeming grace and has provided for the rescue and redemption of sinful men in order that they may know Him and fellowship with Him. And that begins with our coming to YAHWEH, through the work of His Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary.

Sunday – June 9, 2013, “What Makes Biblical Prophecy Different?”

June 9, 2013 – Read the Word on Worship

What Makes Biblical Prophecy Different? from Sunrise Community Church on Vimeo.

Prophecy. The word conjures up different meanings for different people. Our view of prophecy is usually based on what we have been taught by our denomination or what seems to fit our personal hopes and desires most. Denominational teaching learned at an early age or at an impressionable time in life and reinforced by repetition may be hard to shake. Also, our understanding of prophecy is frequently based on what we think God would or should do. In other words, what we would do if we were God.
Join us this Sunday as Elder Thom Rachford returns to the pulpit to continue his series on understanding biblical prophecy. Worship begins at 8:45 AM with refreshments served before our monthly prayer meeting at 10:30 AM. We hope to share fellowship with you.

Word On Worship – June 9, 2013 Download / Print

1 Corinthians 14:33
“… for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints..”

Prophecy. The word conjures up different meanings for different people. Our view of prophecy is usually based on what we have been taught by our denomination or what most seems to fit our personal hopes and desires. Denominational teaching learned at an early age or at an impressionable time in life and reinforced by repetition may be hard to shake. Also, our understanding of prophecy is frequently based on what we think God would or should do. In other words, what we would do if we were God.

Our view of what and how God is doing things must grow out of his prophetic word. We must let the prophecy and indeed all of God’s word shape our view. We should not start with a particular view and then “make” prophecy fit that view. Attempts to do this result in people, some Godly and very learned teachers, accepting only prophecy that conforms to their preconceived ideas. They want to throw out any prophecy that does not seem to fit their preconceived and entrenched view. Yes, entrenched, because apparently, no amount of study or revelation causes them to change their position.

Because it does not fit with the preconceived structure of some denominations and church bodies, they disregard or refuse to teach certain books of scripture in whole or in part. Frequently the excuse is these prophecies are too hard for man to understand. If that is true, shame on God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 teaches 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. God is either a mischievous trickster for giving man a book that he cannot understand under the guise of presenting all scripture as valuable or he is unable to keep evil men from inserting wrong teaching into his Holy Book. You can see how this kind of thinking would undermine God’s word, power and authority as well as His deep desire to have men see and understand His plan for relationship. Who would want this result? Satan, of course.

Sophisticated teachers, however, frequently don’t throw the prophecy out; that would be too obviously a rejection of God’s word. What they most often do is say, “what this prophecy appears to say is not what it means.” They say it is symbolic of something else and then they fill in the blank. Or they say it is a metaphor or allegory of a spiritual concept and not physical or material in any way. Often the prophecy is said to be about heaven and not earth, even if it refers to earth or physical things.

The question is illustrated by the following. How can one believe the prophecy that a virgin should be with child (the Messiah) and reject the prophecy of the Messiah’s physical return to earth? A virgin being with child is the supreme oxymoron. “With child” means pregnant – a virgin by definition has not had sex and in this world no child is conceived without sex. Yet Isaiah prophesied this nearly 700 years before it happened. And it happened. This virgin birth is believed by many. Yet many of those who believe in the prophecy of the virgin birth, reject the prophecy of Christ’s physical return to the Mount of Olives as prophesied in Zechariah 14:4. (They still however believe the same prophet for the Zechariah 9:9 prophecy that Christ would enter Jerusalem on a donkey.) How is the virgin birth less credible to believe than Christ’s physical return to earth on the Mount of Olives?

What then is the answer? How should we view prophecy? View every line of scripture as literal unless the language uses “as” or “like” which indicate a picture of rather than the real thing. Some parts of scripture are obviously poetic and should be viewed as such. The key to discernment is constant study of all of scripture. You will find there may be parts you do not agree with or like, but they are God’s word to you. Keep studying as you ask the Holy Spirit to reveal truth and understanding to you. He will reveal them as Jesus said in John 14:26:  But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

God is not the author of confusion. 1 Corinthians 14:33 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints. God has made His word clear enough for the one who diligently studies it to understand and complex enough to discourage the casual seeker of pat answers or just information. God placed His prophecy in the scriptures for your understanding and benefit. It is revelation of the living God who knows the end from the beginning.

Sunday – June 2, 2013, “Jesus Arrested, Follower Barely Escapes”

June 2, 2013 – Read the Word on Worship

Jesus Arrested, Follower Barely Escapes from Sunrise Community Church on Vimeo.

Mark’s version of the arrest of our Lord conveys a grim realism. A large mob deputized by the temple rulers converges on the garden of Gethsemane armed with swords and clubs as if Jesus were some terrorist bandit. But Jesus has been teaching in their temple all week long with nothing to hide and no revolution planned. Ironically, Jesus chastised the rulers of the temple for turning His Father’s house of prayer into a den of thieves and robbers. Now temple goons, led by Judas, arrest Him after His prayer as if He were a robber.
Join us in our continuing study of the Gospel of Mark as we learn about the power and sovereignty of our Lord Jesus as He delivers His disciples from arrest and delivers Himself up for for our sin as we examine Mark 14 verses 44 to 53 and see “Jesus Arrested, Follower Barely Escapes”.

Word On Worship – June 2, 2013 Download / Print

Mark 14:48-50
And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me, as you would against a robber? Every day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize Me; but this has taken place to fulfill the Scriptures.” And they all left Him and fled.

Mark’s version of the arrest of our Lord conveys a grim realism. A large mob deputized by the temple rulers converges on the garden of Gethsemane armed with swords and clubs as if Jesus were some terrorist bandit. But Jesus had been teaching in their temple all week long with nothing to hide and no revolution planned. Ironically, Jesus chastised the rulers of the temple for turning His Father’s house of prayer into a den of thieves and robbers. Now temple goons, led by Judas, arrest Him after His prayer as if He were a robber.

This mob does not understand the Scriptures nor has no idea they are involved in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and the promise of Jesus to the disciples in John 18:9 “Of those whom You have given Me I lost not one.”  The temple leaders on hand to supervise the arrest foolishly thought they were so clever in accomplishing their purposes with their plots and hired mercenaries to ensure the arrest of the rabbi from Galilee. But Jesus knew in all of this the plans of God were being fulfilled – plans which did not require swords and clubs. God’s power is manifest in weakness. Jesus has extended God’s mercy and forgiveness to sinners and now He is led off to be killed by sinners.

Peter previously told Jesus the disciples had left family and jobs, forsaking all things that they might follow Him. But now, their desire to save their lives causes them to flee into the night. At a time when all hope appears to be lost, Mark reminds us that God’s will is being fulfilled. What is taking place – the betrayal, the arrest and the desertion of the eleven – is all a fulfillment of the Scripture. And despite the darkness of the garden this night, Jesus has promised to be reunited with them in Galilee after His resurrection.

Are you in the darkness of the garden this morning? Maybe you stand with the religious leaders thinking how clever you are as if you were in control of your own plans and destiny. Or maybe you are waking with the disciples, overwhelmed and afraid at what stands around, looking to run.  Each of these is vanity; a false thinking that you have outwitted God with your schemes or outrun His grace by your failure. The Lord is still sovereign in all things, and for those who plan against the Lord, He sits in the heavens and laughs (Psalm 2:4), but for those who have come to Him for mercy and grace,  He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:6). Truly, what can man do to you?