Sunday – June 3, 2012

June 3, 2012 – Read the Word on Worship

The Refiner’s Fire from Sunrise Community Church on Vimeo.

Have you ever looked around the church and thought to yourself, “How in the world could God allow such a group of misfit, stumbling, bumbling people into His kingdom? The Bible says heaven will be with out sin, and yet when we look in the mirror we have to honestly say I am certainly not qualified to enter into eternity with God. Take heart, for heaven will be full of people who are neither qualified nor pure enough to enter heaven as we currently are. God is a refiner’s fire, which through the work of His Holy Spirit will prepare and mold and refine the sin which so easily entangles us and will not allow the fire to consume those who are in Jesus Christ entirely. Join us Sunday June 3rd to see “The Refiner’s Fire” from Malachi 2:17 to 3:6 and prepare yourself to say Hallelujah! “For I the Lord do not change; therefore you O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.”- Malachi 3:6

Word On Worship – June 3, 2012 Download / Print

Malachi 2:17
You have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet you say, “How have we wearied Him?” In that you say, “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and He delights in them,” or, “Where is the God of justice?

In Malachi’s day Israel has already returned to the land, rebuilt the city walls and restored the Temple in Jerusalem. But Israel, as many would say of our nation, had fallen into complacency. As the people pursued their own agendas and satisfactions, they drifted further and further from God and from the mandates of the Law. The results of such a lifestyle were predictable: religion was at low ebb while wickedness prospered. It is only natural for us to wonder where the righteous justice of God is when the wicked seem to prosper and the people of God are in need?

If we are honest with ourselves, we can fall into the same pit as the Israelites did. When we look around our own personal lives we feel that God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, or at least doing it in the way that we would like Him to. We’re not seeing God save our loved ones the way we long to see it happen, maybe we haven’t seen God heal us or another in the way that we feel is our right. We feel that we’ve been in the hour of need, and God has said: ‘Call upon Me in the day of trouble, and I will answer you‘ – but He hasn’t. For so long we have heard so many people, like the Psalmist, saying to us: “Where is your God?” We’re perhaps beginning to say to ourselves as Gideon did, “Where is our God that our fathers told us of? Where are the miracles that they spoke to us of?”

Jesus spoke of the same condition in the Sermon on the Mount, the hearts of people who have become far-sighted. We see the splinter in our brother’s eye but fail to see the plank in our own eye. We are swift to see sin in another and not in ourselves, but the awful terrible truth of this whole book is they are swift to accuse God of apparent injustice without seeing their own sin! They accused God of a lack of holiness, a lack of justice, and can’t see their own sin was the very cause of their lack of blessing. They were ignorant of God’s charge against them, and even question God, not themselves. They question God’s holiness, they question God’s righteousness, and they actually ask the question back to God: “In what way have we wearied You?”

Could it be possible that sometimes our words weary the Lord? Is it a possibility in the church era our songs and even our prayers weary the Lord? I have seen the picture of the church sign which reads, “If you could only hear your prayers, you would sympathize with God.” You might say, “What could weary God in my prayer or worship?” It is simply this: the people were drawing near to God with their mouths, and honoring Him with their lips, but their heart was far from Him! Consider these things in your lives this morning as you prepare for worship, receiving the teaching of the Word and the celebration of the Lord’s Table as see where your heart is this morning.